Islam cares about childhood and Muslims regard children as gifts/trust terjemahan - Islam cares about childhood and Muslims regard children as gifts/trust Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Islam cares about childhood and Mus

Islam cares about childhood and Muslims regard children as gifts/trust from Allah (SWT). Parents will be held responsible for this trust on the Day of Judgement. Hence Islam pays particular attention to rights of children and to the proper manner to raise them, so that they will be equipped to face the difficulties of life. We must pay more attention to the best interests of the children. All these principles were mentioned in Noble Qur'an and Ahadith, which cares about the rights of child even before he or she is born. Before getting married, a man should choose the best possible woman to be his children's mother.

Children have the right to be fed, clothed and protected until they reach adulthood. The child has the right to a good education and a stable environment in which to grow up. Boys and girls, as well as orphans, possess these rights in full. Nevertheless Allah (SWT) and Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave parent certain obligations to assure children's rights.

Respect for human rights begins with the way that a community treats its children. Children's rights cannot be separated from human rights because children are the future generation. Taking care of the coming generation by protecting their dignity and providing them their needs is the most important thing for bringing up citizens best equipped to serve the community.

On the other hand child abuse weakens a child's ability to study and makes them nervous as they lose their sense of security. Many abused children go on to commit crimes and end up in prison. The family is the most important unit for forming the community by bringing up the next generation. So if there are problems in the home, children will be affected and the whole family and community will suffer.

O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones. Noble Qur'an, (66:6)

Parents are obligated not only to see to their religious training, proper education but also training in sports and self defense of their children. In addition, they must not show preference of sons and suppression or negligence of daughters.

Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says: "Observe justice in dealing with your children in the same manner in which you expect them to observe justice in being kind and good to you."

Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says: "Whoever goes to the bazaar and purchases a present for the members of his family and brings it to them is like one who spends on the needy. However he should prefer daughters to sons because whoever pleases his daughter is like one who frees a slave from among the descendants of Prophet Ismail (as)."

Relationship between Parents and Children in Islam:

"Your parents and your children, you know not which of them is the nearer to you in usefulness; this is an ordinance from Allah: Surely Allah is Knowing, Wise." Noble Qur'an (4:11)

The above verse from Noble Qur'an shows the Islamic attitude towards the relationship between parents and children. From infancy to adulthood, it is unparalleled tender love and care of the parents which brings the child from the stage of absolute weakness and helplessness to perfect strength and independence.

Conversely, in old age a man becomes like a small child; the mind and body turn so weak that Allah (SWT) says in Noble Qur'an: If We grant long life to any, We cause him to be reversed in nature: Will they not then understand? Noble Qur'an (36:68)

Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says: "The parents are responsible with regard to their children in the same manner in which the children are responsible with regard to their parents."

Yesterday, your parents looked after you when you were too feeble to look after yourself; today you must look after them. Could we ever dare to think about leaving our parents after all they have done so much for us? No entry into Jannah without parents being pleased.

Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and Loving Children

Muslim ParentingOnce Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was on his way to someone's home; he saw Imam Hussain playing with boys. Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) extended his hands for little Imam Hussain to go up and played with him and made him laugh in front of everybody; then he held him and gave him a kiss.

Once a companion (Sahabi) visited the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), when he was engaged in caressing his two grandchildren, Hasan and Hussain. Being surprised at this act, the companion said:

"O Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)! Do you also caress children, I have ten children but I have never fondled even one of them."

Thereupon the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) raised his eyes and remarked: "It seems mercy and kindness has left your heart."

Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says: "A good act is written in the record of virtuous deeds for one who gives a kiss to his child."

Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was very kind to children and loved them very much. He used to carry them on his shoulders. The children would become very happy and laugh. Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), too, would become happy at the pure happiness and laughter of the children and a smile would appear on his face.

Every time Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) returned from a trip, children would be waiting for him and he would hold some of them and ask his companions to hold others. When Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) leaves, the children would be talking about how he held one to his chest and another to his back and how he asked others to hold the rest.

Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to give his Salaam (greetings) to children and would tell his companions (Sahaba): "I give my Salaam to children and respect them, and Muslims should follow my behavior and always be warm and loving with children."

Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to speak about children - boys and girls - and Say: "O Muslims, O fathers and mothers, O my followers, be kind and compassionate towards children, for someone who is not kind to children has no place amongst the Muslims."

Children are blessings not burden: (Muslim Parenting, Rights of Children in Islam)

Muslim ParentsAllah (SWT) says in Noble Qur'an: "Kill not your children for fear of want. We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of them is great sin." Noble Qur'an (17: 31)

Once a Companion, Sahabi (Allah be pleased with him) submitted to the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): "O Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) which is the greatest sin?"

Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) observed: "Polytheism"

The Companion, Sahabi (Allah be pleased with him) again submitted: "And what next?"

Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) observed: "Disobedience to parents"

The Companion, Sahabi (Allah be pleased with him) submitted for the third time: "And which sin is the greatest next to it?"

Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) observed: "To kill your children fearing that they will share your sustenance."

Imam Ali son of Abu Talib (as) and Loving Children (Rights of Children in Islam, Muslim Parenting)

Tarbiyat Al-Awlad (Child upbringing in Islam)Imam Ali son of Abu Talib (as) was very kind to children, especially to orphans. If he ever saw an orphan crying, he would stop whatever he was doing, bend down, give the child his Salaam (greetings), wipe away the child's tears, put his hand on the child's shoulder and say, "My child, why are you crying? Has someone hurt you? Come; let me take you to my house."

Imam Ali son of Abu Talib (as) would take the child home and treat him better than any father. He would bring the child sweets, cakes and honey and put them in the child's mouth himself.

Imam Ali son of Abu Talib (as) used to tell his followers to love and be kind to orphans, especially the orphans of martyrs killed in the path of Allah. "They have lost their loving fathers," he used to say. "So cheer them up and look after them just like a father. Their fathers were martyred in Jihad and for the sake of Islam and they have rights on you. Make their souls pleased with you by cheering up their children and looking after them."

Imam Ali son of Abu Talib (as) was always attentive to orphans especially to those of the martyrs. He used to visit them and sit, chat and play with them He used to take care of their education and training. Imam Ali son of Abu Talib (as) would strive to solve their difficulties and always offered them guidance and advice. He would bring them gifts and, if they were poor, he would respectfully provide their expenses.

Imam Ali son of Abu Talib (as) was so kind to orphans and laid so much stress on them in his teachings that one of his companions (Sahaba) said: "How I wish that I too was a young orphan so that I would receive kindness and love from Imam Ali son of Abu Talib (as)."

Tarbiyat Al-Awlad (Child upbringing in Islam), Tarbiyatul Aulad (Aulad Ki Tarbiyat)

Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: A virtuous child is a fragrant flower from the flowers of Heaven.

Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Be kind to your children, and excel in this kindness.

Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Have your children to learn swimming and shooting.

Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Train your children in three things: The love of your Prophet,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Islam peduli masa kanak-kanak dan Muslim memandang anak-anak sebagai hadiah/kepercayaan dari Allah (SWT). Orang tua akan bertanggung jawab kepercayaan ini pada hari kiamat. Oleh karena itu Islam membayar kursus tertentu untuk hak-hak anak dan cara frasa untuk membesarkan mereka, sehingga mereka akan dilengkapi untuk menghadapi kesulitan hidup. Kita harus membayar lebih kursus ini untuk kepentingan terbaik anak-anak. Prinsip-prinsip ini disebutkan dalam Al Quran dan Hadis, yang peduli tentang hak-hak anak bahkan sebelum ia lahir. Sebelum menikah, seorang pria harus memilih wanita mungkin terbaik untuk menjadi ibu anak-anaknya.Anak-anak memiliki hak untuk makan, berpakaian dan dilindungi sampai mereka mencapai usia dewasa. Anak memiliki hak untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang baik dan yang stabil adalah lingkungan yang tumbuh. Anak laki-laki dan perempuan, serta anak yatim, memiliki hak-hak ini secara penuh. Namun demikian Allah (SWT) dan suci Nabi Muhammad (saw) memberikan orangtua kewajiban tertentu untuk menjamin hak-hak anak.Menghormati hak asasi manusia dimulai dengan cara bahwa masyarakat memperlakukan anak-anak. Hak-hak anak tidak dapat dipisahkan dari hak asasi manusia karena anak-anak generasi masa depan. Mengurus generasi yang akan datang dengan melindungi martabat mereka dan menyerahkan mereka kebutuhan mereka adalah hal yang paling penting untuk ekonomi atas masyarakat terbaik dilengkapi untuk melayani masyarakat.Di sisi lain, pelecehan anak melemahkan kemampuan seorang anak untuk belajar dan membuat mereka gugup karena mereka kehilangan rasa keamanan. Banyak anak-anak dilecehkan naik melakukan kejahatan dan akhir di penjara. Keluarga adalah unit yang paling penting untuk masyarakat dengan membentuk up perekonomian generasi berikutnya. Jadi jika ada masalah dalam rumah, anak-anak akan terpengaruh dan seluruh keluarga dan masyarakat akan menderita.O Anda yang telah percaya! Simpan dirimu dan keluargamu dari api yang bahan bakarnya adalah laki-laki dan batu. Alquran, (63:6)Orang tua diwajibkan untuk tidak hanya melihat pelatihan agama, frasa pendidikan, tetapi juga pelatihan dalam olahraga dan pertahanan diri anak-anak mereka. Selain itu, mereka tidak harus menunjukkan preferensi putra dan putri penindasan atau kelalaian.Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) berkata: "Mengamati keadilan dalam berurusan dengan anak-anak Anda dengan cara yang sama di mana Anda mengharapkan mereka untuk mengamati keadilan dalam bersikap baik dan baik untuk Anda."Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) berkata: "siapa pun pergi ke pasar dan pembelian hadiah untuk anggota keluarganya dan itu membawa kepada mereka adalah seperti orang yang menghabiskan mencapai. Namun ia harus memilih anak perempuan untuk anak-anak karena Barangsiapa menyenangkan putrinya yang membebaskan budak dari keturunan nabi Ismail (AS)."Hubungan antara orang tua dan anak-anak dalam Islam:"Orang tua dan anak-anak Anda, Anda tidak tahu siapa di antara mereka adalah semakin dekat kepada Anda dalam kegunaan; Ini adalah ketetapan dari Allah: Allah pasti mengetahui, bijaksana. " Alquran (4:11)Ayat di atas dari Alquran menunjukkan sikap Islam terhadap hubungan antara orangtua dan anak. Dari masa kanak-kanak sampai dewasa, sudah tak tertandingi tender cinta dan mengurus orang tua yang membawa anak dari tahap mutlak kelemahan dan ketidakberdayaan sempurna kekuatan dan kemerdekaan.Sebaliknya, di usia tua laki-laki menjadi seperti anak kecil; pikiran dan tubuh berubah begitu lemah bahwa Allah (SWT) mengatakan dalam Alquran: jika kita memberikan umur panjang untuk apapun, kita menyebabkan dia akan dibalikkan di alam: mereka tidak akan kemudian mengerti? Alquran (36:68)Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) mengatakan: "orang tua bertanggung jawab berkaitan dengan anak-anak mereka dengan cara yang sama di mana anak-anak bertanggung jawab berkaitan dengan orang tua mereka."Kemarin, orang-tua Anda tampak setelah Anda ketika Anda masih terlalu lemah untuk menjaga diri sendiri; Hari ini Anda harus melihat setelah mereka. Bisa kami pernah berani untuk berpikir tentang meninggalkan orang tua kita setelah semua mereka telah melakukan begitu banyak bagi kita? Tidak masuk ke dalam Jannah tanpa orang tua yang berkenan.Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) dan anak-anak mencintaiMuslim ParentingOnce utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) sedang dalam perjalanannya ke rumah seseorang; Dia (saw) Imam Hussain bermain dengan anak laki-laki. Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) diperpanjang tangannya untuk Imam Hussain sedikit untuk pergi dan bermain dengan dia dan membuat dia tertawa di depan semua orang; kemudian menahannya dan memberinya ciuman.Setelah mengunjungi teman (Sahabi) Rasulullah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya), ketika ia terlibat dalam membelai dua cucu, Hasan dan Husain. Yang terkejut melihat undang-undang ini, pendamping berkata:"Wahai Rasulullah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya)! Apakah Anda juga membelai anak, aku punya sepuluh anak tetapi saya bahkan tidak pernah membelai salah satu dari mereka."Kemudian Rasulullah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) mengangkat matanya dan berkomentar: "tampaknya belas kasihan dan kebaikan telah meninggalkan hatimu."Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) berkata: "perbuatan baik yang ditulis dalam catatan perbuatan baik yang memberikan ciuman kepada anak-Nya."Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) adalah sangat baik untuk anak-anak dan mencintai mereka sangat banyak. Ia digunakan untuk membawa mereka di atas bahunya. Anak-anak akan menjadi sangat senang dan tertawa. Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya), juga, akan menjadi bahagia di murni kebahagiaan dan tawa anak-anak dan tersenyum akan muncul di wajahnya.Setiap kali Rasulullah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) kembali dari perjalanan, anak-anak akan menunggu untuk dia dan dia akan memegang beberapa dari mereka dan meminta temannya untuk menahan orang lain. Kapan Rasulullah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) daun, anak-anak akan berbicara tentang bagaimana ia memegang satu ke dada dan satu lagi untuk kembali dan bagaimana ia meminta orang lain untuk memegang sisanya.Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) digunakan untuk memberi salam nya (salam) kepada anak-anak dan akan memberitahu teman-temannya (sahabat): "saya memberikan salam saya kepada anak-anak dan menghormati mereka dan Muslim harus mengikuti perilaku saya dan selalu menjadi hangat dan penuh kasih dengan anak."Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) digunakan untuk berbicara tentang anak-anak dan perempuan- dan berkata: "O Muslim, ibu dan bapaknya, O O pengikut saya, bersikap baik dan penuh kasih terhadap anak-anak, untuk seseorang yang tidak baik untuk anak-anak tidak memiliki tempat antara Muslim."Anak-anak adalah berkat tidak beban: (Muslim Parenting, hak-hak anak dalam Islam)Muslim ParentsAllah (SWT) mengatakan dalam Alquran: "membunuh tidak anak-anak karena takut inginkan. Kami akan memberikan rezeki bagi mereka juga untuk Anda. Sesungguhnya pembunuhan mereka adalah dosa besar." Quran (17:31)Sekali seorang sahabat, Sahabi (Allah anhu) submited untuk Rasulullah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya): "Wahai Rasulullah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) Allah yang merupakan dosa yang paling besar?"Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) diamati: "Politeisme"Teman, Sahabi (Allah anhu) lagi submited: "dan apa berikutnya?"Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) diamati: "Ketidaktaatan kepada orang tua"Teman, Sahabi (Allah anhu) submited untuk ketiga kalinya: "Dan dosa adalah yang terbesar di samping itu?"Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) diamati: "untuk membunuh anak-anak Anda takut bahwa mereka akan berbagi makanan Anda."Imam Ali bin Abu Thalib (sebagai) dan anak-anak mencintai (hak-hak anak dalam Islam, Muslim Parenting)Tarbiyat Al-Awlad (anak dibesarkan dalam Islam) Imam Ali bin Abu Thalib (sebagai) adalah sangat baik untuk anak-anak, terutama untuk anak yatim piatu. Jika dia pernah melihat seorang yatim piatu yang menangis, ia akan menghentikan apa pun yang ia lakukan, membungkuk, memberikan anak nya Salaam (salam), menghapus air mata anak meletakkan tangan di bahu dan berkata anak, "anakku, mengapa Anda menangis? Memiliki seseorang menyakiti Anda? Datang; Biarkan aku membawamu ke rumahku."Imam Ali bin Abu Thalib (sebagai) akan mengambil anak rumah dan memperlakukan dia lebih baik daripada setiap ayah. Dia akan membawa anak permen, kue, dan madu dan memasukkannya ke dalam mulut anak sendiri.Imam Ali bin Abu Thalib (saw) digunakan untuk memberitahu para pengikut-Nya untuk mencintai dan bersikap baik kepada anak yatim, terutama anak yatim martir tewas di jalan Allah. "Mereka telah kehilangan ayah mereka mencintai," ia digunakan untuk mengatakan. "Begitu menghibur mereka dan terlihat setelah mereka hanya seperti seorang ayah. Ayah mereka menjadi martir dalam Jihad dan demi Islam dan mereka memiliki hak pada Anda. Membuat jiwa mereka senang dengan Anda dengan sorak-sorai anak-anak mereka dan melihat mereka."Imam Ali bin Abu Thalib (sebagai) adalah selalu cukup buruk lokasi untuk anak yatim piatu bagi para martir. Ia digunakan untuk mengunjunginya dan duduk, obrolan dan bermain dengan mereka ia digunakan untuk merawat mereka pendidikan dan pelatihan. Imam Ali bin Abu Thalib (sebagai) akan berusaha untuk menyelesaikan kesulitan mereka dan selalu menawarkan mereka bimbingan dan nasihat. Ia akan membawa mereka hadiah dan, jika mereka miskin, dia dengan hormat akan memberikan mereka kewangan.Imam Ali bin Abu Thalib (as) jadi baik untuk anak-anak yatim dan meletakkan begitu banyak stres pada mereka dalam ajarannya bahwa salah satu temannya (sahabat) berkata: "Bagaimana aku berharap bahwa aku terlalu yatim piatu muda sehingga saya akan menerima kebaikan dan cinta dari Imam Ali bin Abu Thalib (sebagai)."Tarbiyat Al-Awlad (anak dibesarkan dalam Islam), Aulad Tarbiyatul (Aulad Ki Tarbiyat)Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) berkata: seorang anak yang berbudi luhur adalah bunga yang harum dari bunga surga.Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) berkata: bersikap baik kepada anak-anak Anda, dan unggul dalam kebaikan ini.Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) berkata: memiliki anak-anak Anda untuk belajar berenang dan menembak.Utusan Allah (damai dan berkat Allah besertanya) berkata: melatih anak-anak Anda dalam tiga hal: Cinta Nabi,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Islam cares about childhood and Muslims regard children as gifts / trust from Allah (SWT). Parents will be held responsible for this trust on the Day of Judgement. Hence Islam pays particular attention to rights of children and to the proper manner to raise them, so that they will be equipped to face the difficulties of life. We must pay more attention to the best minat of the children. All these principles were mentioned in Noble Qur'an dan Ahadith, which cares about the rights of child even before he or she is born. Before getting married, a man should choose the best possible woman to be his children s mother. Children have the right to be fed, clothed and protected until they mencapai adulthood. The child has the right to a good education and a stable environment in which to grow up. Boys and girls, as well as Orphans, possess rute rights in full. Nevertheless Allah (SWT) dan Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) gave parent certain obligations to assure children s rights. Respect for human rights begins with the way that a community Treats its children. Children 's rights can not be separated from human rights because children are the future generation. Taking care of the coming generation by protecting their dignity and providing them their needs is the most important thing for bringing up citizens best equipped to serve the community. On the other hand child abuse weakens a child s ability to study and makes them nervous as they lose their sense of security. Many ABUSED children go on to commit crimes and end up in prison. The family is the most important unit for forming the community by bringing up the next generation. So if there are problems in the home, children will be affected and the whole family and community will suffer. O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones. Noble Qur'an, (66: 6) Parents are obligated not only to see to their religious training, proper education but also training in sports and self defense of their children. Selain, they must not show preference of sons and suppression or negligence of daughters. Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says: "Observe justice in dealing with your children in the same manner in which you expect them to observe justice in being kind and good to you. " Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says: "Whoever goes to the bazaar and purchases a present for the members of his family and brings it to them is like one who spends on the needy. However he should prefer daughters to sons because whoever pleases his daughter is like one who frees a slave from among the descendants of Prophet Ismail (as). " Relationship between Parents and Children in Islam: "Your parents and your children, you know not which of them is the nearer to you in usefulness; this is an ordinance from Allah: Surely Allah is Knowing, Wise. " Noble Qur'an (4:11) The above verse from Noble Qur'an shows the Islamic attitude towards the relationship between parents and children. From infancy to adulthood, it is Unparalleled tender love and care of the parents which brings the child from the stage of absolute weakness and helplessness to perfect strength and independence. Conversely, in old age a man becomes like a small child; the mind and body turn so weak that Allah (SWT) says in Noble Qur'an: If We grant long life to any, We cause him to be reversed in nature: Will they not then understand? Noble Qur'an (36:68) Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says: "The parents are responsible with regard to their children in the same manner in which the children are responsible with regard to their parents. " Kemarin, your parents looked after you when you were too feeble to look after yourself; saat you must look after them. Could we ever dare to think about leaving our parents after all they have done so much for us? No entry into Jannah without parents being pleased. Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and Loving Children Muslim ParentingOnce Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was on his way to someone s home; he saw Imam Hussain playing with boys. Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) extended his hands for little Imam Hussain to go up and played with him and made ​​him laugh in front of everybody; then he held him and gave him a kiss. Once a companion (Sahabi) visited the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), when he was engaged in caressing his two grandchildren, Hasan dan Husain. Being surprised at this act, the companion said: "O Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)! Do you also caress children, I have ten children but I have never fondled even one of them." Thereupon the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) raised his eyes and remarked: "It seems mercy and kindness has left your heart." Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) mengatakan: "A good act is written in the record of virtuous deeds for one who gives a kiss to his child. " Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was very kind to children and loved them very much. He used to carry them on his shoulders. The children would become very happy and laugh. Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), too, would become happy at the pure happiness and laughter of the children and a smile would appear on his face. Every time Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) returned from a trip, children would be waiting for him and he would hold some of them and ask his Companions to hold others. When Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) leaves, the children would be talking about how he held one to his chest and another to his back and how he asked others to hold the rest. Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to give his Salaam (greetings) to children and would tell his Companions (Sahaba): "I give my Salaam to children and respect them, and Muslims should follow my behavior and always be warm and loving with children. " Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to speak about children - boys and girls - and Say: "O Muslims, O fathers and mothers, O my followers, be kind and compassionate towards children, for someone who is not kind to children has no place amongst the Muslims. " Children are blessings not burden: (Muslim Parenting, Rights of Children in Islam) Muslim ParentsAllah (SWT) says in Noble Qur'an: "Kill not your children for fear of want. We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of them is great sin. "Noble Qur'an (17: 31) Once a Companion, Sahabi (Allah be pleased with him) submitted to the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): "O Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) which is the greatest sin? " Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) observed: "Polytheism" The Companion, Sahabi (Allah be pleased with him) again submitted: "And what next?" Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) observed: "disobedience to parents" The Companion, Sahabi (Allah be pleased with him) submitted for the third time: "And which sin is the greatest next to it? " Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) observed: "To kill your children fearing that they will share your sustenance." Imam Ali son of Abu Thalib (as) and Loving Children (Rights of Children in Islam, Muslim Parenting) Tarbiyat Al-Awlad (Child upbringing in Islam) Imam Ali son of Abu Thalib (as) was very kind to children, especially to Orphans. If he ever saw an orphan crying, he would stop whatever he was doing, bend down, give the child his Salaam (greetings), wipe away the child s tears, put his hand on the child s shoulder and say, "My child, why are you crying? Has someone hurt you? Come; let me take you to my house. " Imam Ali son of Abu Thalib (as) would take the child home and treat him better than any father. He would bring the child sweets, cakes and honey and put them in the child s mouth himself. Imam Ali son of Abu Thalib (as) used to tell his followers to love and be kind to Orphans, especially the Orphans of Martyrs killed in the path of Allah. "They have lost their loving fathers," he used to say. "So cheer them up and look after them just like a father. Their fathers were Martyred in Jihad and for the sake of Islam and they have rights on you. Make their souls pleased with you by cheering up their children and looking after them." Imam Ali son of Abu Thalib (as) was always attentive to Orphans especially to those of the Martyrs. He used to visit them and sit, chat and play with them He used to take care of their education and training. Imam Ali son of Abu Thalib (as) would strive to solve their difficulties and always offered them guidance and advice. He would bring them gifts and, if they were poor, he would respectfully provide their expenses. Imam Ali son of Abu Thalib (as) was so kind to Orphans and laid so much stress on them in his Teachings that one of his Companions (Sahaba ) said: "How I wish that I too was a young orphan so that I would receive kindness and love from Imam Ali son of Abu Thalib (as)." Tarbiyat Al-Awlad (Child upbringing in Islam), Tarbiyatul Aulad (Aulad Ki Tarbiyat) Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: A virtuous child is a fragrant flower from the flowers of Heaven. Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Be kind to your children , and excel in this kindness. Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Have your children to learn swimming and shooting. Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Train your children in three things: The love of your Prophet,

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