CIRI-CIRI FIZIKAL MASJID CYBERJAYA GREEN BUILDINGuntuk mengukur ciri-c terjemahan - CIRI-CIRI FIZIKAL MASJID CYBERJAYA GREEN BUILDINGuntuk mengukur ciri-c Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan



untuk mengukur ciri-ciri bangunan hijau oleh GBI, enam ciri-ciri diberi fokus (Zuo dan Zhao, 2014). Enam ciri-ciri tersebut terdiri daripada kecekapan tenaga, kecekapan air, kecekapan bahan, kualiti udara dalaman, perancangan dan pengurusan tapak dan inovasi. Untuk memudahkan perbincangan kertas ini, ciri-ciri bangunan hijau sebagai diiktiraf oleh GBI untuk Masjid Cyberjaya akan dibincangkan melalui tiga bidang utama: kecekapan tenaga melalui teknologi moden, kecekapan melalui teknologi pasif dan kecekapan bahan binaan.

A) Kecekapan Tenaga melalui Modern Teknologi di bangunan
Teknologi moden digunakan dalam bentuk yang berbeza untuk meningkatkan kecekapan yang berkaitan dengan bangunan hijau Masjid Cyberjaya. Penggunaan teknologi moden merangkumi tiga ciri-ciri, iaitu penjanaan tenaga daripada panel solar, penggunaan teknologi sistem VRF dan penggunaan teknologi lampu LED cekap tenaga.

Panel solar digunakan untuk menjana tenaga boleh diperbaharui untuk Masjid. Sebanyak 740 panel solar telah digunakan sebagai bumbung Masjid. Di samping itu, Masjid Cyberjaya juga menggunakan teknologi moden VRF sistem penghawa dingin untuk meningkatkan kecekapan tenaga (Masjid cyberjaya, 2016). Sistem VRF merujuk kepada keupayaan sistem automatik untuk mengawal suhu dalaman bangunan berbanding dengan sistem terbuka dan tertutup (on / off) yang digunakan dalam operasi itu. Sistem ini membolehkan sehingga 55 peratus penjimatan tenaga dalam operasi penghawa dingin. Ini memberi kesan kepada penjimatan kos operasi ke masjid. Untuk meningkatkan lagi kecekapan penggunaan tenaga, sistem penghawa dingin daripada Masjid Cyberjaya akan dihidupkan selama dua jam pada masa-masa tertentu seperti ketika solat jumaat, doa dan solat Eid al-Adha dan sambutan Ramadan (Masjid cyberjaya, 2016). Bagi maksud kecekapan lampu, lampu LED yang dipasang dalam sistem dikawal secara berpusat dan bijak. Sistem lampu juga mempunyai pengesanan automatik supaya satu pembaziran dalam elektrik dapat dielakkan dan juga untuk kemudahan penyelenggaraan.

B) Kecekapan melalui pasif Teknologi Bangunan
teknologi pasif dalam bangunan berkaitan dengan penggunaan unsur-unsur semula jadi seperti air dan udara cekap atau elemen dikitar semula di dalam bangunan. Teknologi pasif dalam Masjid Cyberjaya terdiri daripada tiga ciri-ciri, iaitu penuaian air hujan, kitar semula air dan pengudaraan semula jadi.

Masjid ini mempunyai ciri-ciri kecekapan penggunaan air. Takungan bawah tanah dibina untuk penuaian air hujan dan mengumpul air yang berlebihan dari mereka yang mengambil wuduk. Seterusnya, air yang dikumpul digunakan untuk air tumbuh-tumbuhan di sekitar masjid dan juga untuk digunakan dalam tandas. Di samping itu, kolam ditutup dengan kaca yang diletakkan di dalam dewan itu memberikan kesan penyejukan kepada jemaah. Aliran air akan memberikan rasa ketenangan jiwa dan kesan meditasi kepada jemaah (Mohd Faizal, 2016) itu.

(Rajah 1) Sementara itu, bumbung kaca kubah telah diletakkan di dalam dewan solat utama. Panel kaca membolehkan cahaya untuk menembusi, memberikan cahaya semula jadi untuk dalaman masjid. Dindingnya dibina daripada panel dinding GRC (Rajah 2). Panel GRC mempunyai ciri-ciri reka bentuk yang telus dan corak. Ciri-ciri reka bentuk menggalakkan tiga fungsi, iaitu aliran udara semula jadi, memaksimumkan peraturan haba memasuki Masjid dan pencahayaan semula jadi. Dalam usaha untuk mengekalkan suhu dalaman yang selesa 26 darjah Celsius, peminat dan pencahayaan semula jadi digunakan.

Di samping itu, suhu di dalam dewan solat utama boleh dikurangkan apabila udara panas dikeluarkan melalui ram pengudaraan yang terletak di bawah kubah. Bagi tujuan mengekalkan suhu dalaman dan pengudaraan, ruang segiempat tepat yang ditanam dengan pokok-pokok telah dicipta di dalam dewan.

C) Kecekapan dalam Pembinaan Bahan
Bahan dan kecekapan sumber melibatkan penggunaan bahan-bahan yang diperolehi daripada sumber-sumber yang mampan dan hasil kitar semula. Terdapat dua ciri-ciri kecekapan bahan binaan yang digunakan dalam Masjid. Pertama, bahan-bahan binaan akan dikenal pasti dan dilabelkan sebagai produk hijau. Pembinaan Masjid telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan bahan konkrit yang dicampur dengan abu terbang, sejenis bahan kitar semula yang dicampurkan semasa proses konkrit pembuatan bagi bangunan itu. Di samping itu, produk-produk hijau juga digunakan dalam pembungkusan barangan seni bina, pemasangan elektrik dan pemasangan mekanikal.

Kedua, penggunaan bahan binaan yang mengurangkan berlakunya pemindahan haba. Sebagai contoh, sebuah panel kaca dipasang pada kubah menggunakan dua lapisan panel kaca pelepasan rendah (Low Energy). Panel ini juga direka dengan rangkaian besi bercorak, yang juga berfungsi untuk menyediakan penebat haba dan menghalang haba daripada yang terpancar terus ke dalam Masjid (Rajah 3). Tre Grassy dan teduh
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MOSQUE CYBERJAYA GREEN BUILDINGto measure the characteristics of green building by GBI, six characteristics given focus (Zuo and Zhao, 2014). Six characteristics are of energy efficiency, water efficiency, materials efficiency, indoor air quality, planning and site management and innovation. To facilitate discussion of this paper, the characteristics of green building as recognized by the GBI to Mosque Cyberjaya will be discussed through three main areas: energy efficiency through modern technology, efficiency through passive technology and the efficiency of building materials.A) energy efficiency through Modern technology in buildingModern technology is used in different forms to increase efficiency in relation to building green Mosque Cyberjaya. The use of modern technology includes three characteristics, namely the generation of power from solar panels, System VRF technology and the use of energy efficient LED lighting technology.Solar panels are used to generate renewable energy for the mosque. A total of 740 solar panels were used as the roof of the mosque. In addition, the mosque of Cyberjaya also uses modern technologies VRF air conditioning system to improve energy efficiency (mosque cyberjaya, 2016). VRF system refers to the ability of automated systems to control the internal temperature of the building compared with the system of open and closed (on/off) used in the operation. This system allows up to 55 per cent energy savings in the operation of the air conditioning. This affects the operational cost savings to the mosque. To improve the efficiency of energy use, the air conditioning system of Mosque Cyberjaya will be turned on for two hours at certain times such as during Friday prayer, prayer and prayers of Eid al-Adha and Ramadan celebration (mosque cyberjaya, 2016). For the purpose of efficiency lighting, LED lights are installed in the system, individually-controlled Central and smart. Lighting system also features automatic detection so that a waste in electricity can be avoided and also for ease of maintenance.B) Efficiency through passive Technology Buildingpassive building technology in connection with the use of natural elements such as water and air efficiency or recycled element in the building. Passive technologies in Cyberjaya Mosque comprises three characteristics, namely, rainwater harvesting, recycling water and natural ventilation.The mosque has the characteristics of water use efficiency. The underground reservoir is built for harvesting rainwater and collect water in excess of their ablution. Next, the water that is collected is used to water plants in the vicinity of the mosque and also to use the toilet. In addition, outdoor covered with glass placed in the Hall provide the cooling effect to the Cabinet. Water flow will give a sense of tranquility and meditation of the soul to the Congregation (Mohd Faizal, 2016) that.(Figure 1) Meanwhile, the glass roof dome was placed in the main prayer hall. Glass panels allow light to penetrate, allowing natural light to Interior. Walls constructed of GRC wall panels (Figure 2). GRC Panel features a transparent design and pattern. Design features encourage three functions, namely natural airflow, maximizing the heat entered the mosque and regulations of natural light. In order to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature is 26 degrees Celsius, fans and much natural lighting use.In addition, the temperature in the main prayer hall can be reduced when the hot air released through ram ventilation located under the dome. For the purpose of maintaining the internal temperature and ventilation, accurate square space planted with trees has been created in the Hall.C) efficiency in Construction MaterialsMaterials and resource efficiency involves the use of materials obtained from sustainable sources and recycling revenue. There are two features of the efficiency of the building materials used in the mosque. First, building materials are identified and labeled as green products. Construction of the Mosque was done using concrete mixed with fly ash, a type of recycling material mixed during the process of manufacturing concrete for the building. In addition, green products are also used in the packaging of goods architecture, installation of electrical and mechanical installation.Second, the use of building materials which reduce the occurrence of heat transfer. For example, a glass panel installed on the dome using two layers of glass panels of low-emission (Low Energy). This Panel also designed with patterned metal network, which also serves to provide thermal insulation and prevents the heat from radiating directly into the Mosque (Figure 3). Tre Grassy and shaded
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

to measure the characteristics of green buildings by the GBI, the six characteristics given focus (Zuo and Zhao, 2014). Six such features comprise energy efficiency, water efficiency, material efficiency, indoor air quality, planning and site management and innovation. To facilitate the discussion of this paper, the characteristics of green buildings as recognized by GBI to Masjid Cyberjaya will be discussed in three main areas: energy efficiency through modern technology, efficiency through passive technology and efficiency of building materials.

A) Energy Efficiency via Modern Technology in building
technology modern use in different forms to improve efficiency related to green building mosques Cyberjaya. The use of modern technology includes three characteristics, namely the generation of energy from solar panels, the use of VRF system technology and the use of energy-efficient LED lighting technology.

Solar panels are used to generate renewable energy for the mosque. A total of 740 solar panels have been used as the roof of the mosque. In addition, Masjid Cyberjaya also use modern technology VRF air conditioning systems to improve energy efficiency (Masjid cyberjaya, 2016). VRF system refers to the ability of automated systems to control the internal temperature of the building compared with open systems and closed (on / off) used in the operation. The system allows up to 55 percent energy savings in the operation of the air conditioner. This affects the operating cost savings to the mosque. To further improve the efficiency of energy use, the air conditioning system of the Mosque of Cyberjaya will be turned on for two hours at certain times such as during Friday prayers, the prayers and the prayers of Eid al-Adha and Ramadan celebrations (Masjid cyberjaya, 2016). For the purposes of efficiency lamps, LED lamps installed in the system is centrally controlled and intelligent. The lighting system also features automatic detection so it's a waste of electricity can be avoided and also for ease of maintenance.

B) Efficiency through passive building technology
passive technology in building related to the use of elements of nature such as air and water efficient or elements recycled in the building , Passive technology in Cyberjaya mosque consists of three characteristics, namely rainwater harvesting, water recycling and natural ventilation.

The mosque has the features of water use efficiency. Underground reservoirs built to collect rainwater harvesting and water for their ablutions. Next, the collected water is used to water the plants around the mosque and also to use the toilet. In addition, pool covered with glass that is placed in the chamber provides a cooling effect to the congregation. The flow of water will give you a sense of inner peace and meditative effect to the congregation (Mohd Faizal, 2016) it.

(Figure 1) Meanwhile, the roof glass dome has been placed in the main prayer hall. The glass panels allow light to penetrate, providing natural light for the interior of the mosque. The walls are built of GRC wall panel (Figure 2). GRC panel features a transparent design and pattern. Features design promotes three functions, ie natural air flow, maximizing heat regulation entered the mosque and natural lighting. In order to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature of 26 degrees Celsius, the fans and the natural lighting is used.

In addition, the temperature in the main prayer hall can be reduced when the hot air released through the ventilation vanes located under the dome. For purposes of maintaining the interior temperature and ventilation, a rectangle planted with trees has been created in the hall.

C) Efficiency in the Construction Materials
Materials and resource efficiency involves the use of materials obtained from sources that are sustainable and recycling , There are two characteristics of the efficiency of the building materials used in the mosque. First, the building materials will be identified and labeled as green products. Construction of the mosque was done by the use of concrete mixed with fly ash, a kind of recycled material that is added during the process of making concrete for the building. In addition, green products are also used in the packaging of goods of architectural, electrical installation and mechanical installation.

Second, the use of construction materials which reduce the transfer of heat. For example, a glass panel mounted on the dome using two layers of low emission glass panels (Low Energy). This panel is also designed with patterned iron chain, which also serves to provide thermal insulation and prevent heat from radiating directly into the Masjid (Figure 3). Tre Grassy and shady
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