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Welcome to What’s My IQ Solutions / Guide / Walkthrough / Answers. This page will give you all the answers to every one of the 101 levels in What’s My IQ.  We will keep watch for additional levels and added and add new walkthroughs as needed.  What’s My IQ Solutions / Guide / Walkthrough / Answers is a new popular question-answer style puzzle game on the app store, and has a free version and a pro version. Use this guide to get through all the levels with ease!


What’s My IQ – All 101 Solutions


1. Simply slide the arrow over to pass the level.

2. It asks for the biggest, but wants the biggest in size, so choose 36.

3. This one is a bit of a trick. It already tells you 1=5 as the first equation, so therefore 5=1. 1 is your answer.

4. Mary is your mother. Your dad has one brother, he would only have one sister-in-law and that would be your dad’s wife.

5. This one is tricky, but the word “number” is smaller than the numbers shown, and is thus the smallest.

6. You may think it’s 964, but you can use the numbers multiple times. Therefore the largest number is 999.

7. Think of which button it is pointing at, not the direction of the light. (It’s pointing at LEFT)

8. If each sister has 1 brother, they all have the same brother. Therefore there are 7 people in the family.

9. Simple hold on each sides of the bill with two fingers, and slide away to separate the bill in half.

10. Do you see a cake? The cake is a lie. The answer is 0 candles are on the cake.

11. Tilt your device 90 degrees, so the up arrow is pointing up and the down arrow is pointing down.

12. This time it asks you which direction it is shining, but note that the light is not on, and therefore not shining. Thus the answer is none.

13. For this one, tap on the words “pail” and “water” at the same time, and hold until the level is complete.

14. Keep swiping on the car and you will eventually clean the mud off of it.

15. To create an earthquake, simply shake your device.

16. There is only one arrow shown here, but it asks you to correct the ARROWS. So you can fix this by wiping away the “s” on arrows.

17. Simply do exactly what this one asks but not it jumps from the 5th to 6th very quickly, and doesn’t follow the previous timing.

18. The trick here is that the green diamond doesn’t need to go into the dotted lines that mimic it but are turned. Instead put the green diamond into the same space as the star.

19. Tap the two even numbers (22 and 14), and then on the word “even”.

20. Turn your device upside-down. One of the pails will show water inside. Tap that one and you are done.

21. Look at the words carefully and notice that the words “the opposite of blue” are the colored brown. So think of it as: What color is “this sentence”, which is brown.

22. Shake your device here to get all the apples to show, there are 6 apples total.

23. Remember the last time you were asked this question, the pail that is different is the second one (as it has water in it).

24. The fifth daughter would be Mary herself, so click on her name in the question (the first word).

25. You can’t pay $2.20, but you can pay $1.10. So slide your finger down the center of the bread to slice it in half, then press on the sides and slide out to separate them. Now pay $1.10 and you are through.

26. Find x simply means to tap on x.

27. Move all the stars on top of the word “star” and you are done.

28. This one is a bit tricky, but you can move the first _ up to make it a minus (negative) sign. Therefore the smallest number would be -99.

29. Place the pepper under the word “soup” then shake your device. This puts some pepper on “soup” and you are through.

30. For this one, the holes in the shirt are see-through, so they are actually two holes each (one on the front, one on the back). The bottom, top and arms are also holes as well, giving a grand total of 8 holes.

31. Peter can’t get by the wolf, but you can get rid of the wolf by bringing the three clouds together above the wolf (so they overlap). This creates rain which scares him off, allowing you to slide Peter to his home.

32. Move the words “no smoking” into the red circle and voila, you have a no smoking sign.

33. Tilt your device so it is facing downwards, and high in the air (so it would simulate being a hat). Basically you are pretending to wear it on your head.

34. There are two grammar mistakes here, one in the question and one in the statement given. The mistakes are: (1) the “s” on “mistakes”, and (2) the “s” on “likes”.

35. Tap on roll, now the number of points on the dice is the total points, which equals 1+2+3+4+5+6 = 21.

36. Move the word “north” so the red needle of the second compass is pointing at it. Then pick the second compass and you are done.

37. For this one you need to invert your device, and then drag the dart from the right to the left.

38. The trick to this one is to move the photo area to the left side of the screen, so you can catch the star easier. Touch on the photo area and drag it to the left, then tap on it when the star runs through.

39. Move the word “cat” out of “catfish” so it sits alone. Then tap on “cat” (which doesn’t fit the group).

40. Combine all the campfires into one big campfire by dragging each of the left, bottom and right ones into the top one. Then tap on it and you are through.

41. Remember how you created the rain? This time simply undo it. There are multiple white clouds on the grey cloud, so separate them out and you stop the rain.

42. Tap on the 20kg then on the 10kg, then rotate your device slowly until your device reads 25kg.

43. There is another fish under the second fish. So move the second fish out of the way, then select this fish to pass through.

44. Tap on the doorbell 5 times very quickly to wake up your sleeping neighbor.

45. You can separate the second cloud in half, producing two smaller clouds. Tap on one of these to pass through.

46. Move the screen far to the right so it is off-screen. This turns it into night time, showing the owl.

47. Look at the words carefully, it asks you to “spell it”, so go ahead and spell “it”.

48. Hold on the charge button and it will eventually charge the batteries up, just wait a second for it to happen.

49. So press on the first, third and fifth buttons to open the safe.

50. This one is a bit tricky, but: 1=one which three letters, 4=four which is four letters, then 5,6,7 letters, so you need a number that is 8 letters, which is 18.

51. Grab the tire in the open and drag it on top of the tire on the back to get through.

52. You need to wait for the bomb to explode, so wait for the timer to run out then tap on the bomb 3 times.

53. To find the solution do the calculation (6×3)-(5×2). Solving this, you get the answer of the number 8.

54. Invert your device so that red is on the left side of the screen.

55. Grab the cups but dragging a cup off the pile one at a time, and put them in the lines on the right side.

56. Take the front tire off of the car and drag it off onto the side. Now grab the spare tire and move it on top of the space you created to replace the tire.

57. Simply tap on the balloons in order… 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 (new balloons will appear as you pop other ones).

58. To solve this one, tap on the food in this order coffee-cake-cola-coffee-cake-cola. This solves the requirements.

59. The trick this time is that you need to turn your device upside-down to turn the 9 into a 6, and vica-versa, when needed. So tap 1-2-3-4-5-[9 upside-down, which is then a 6]-7-8-[6 upside-down, which is then a 9]

60. Tilt the device to the left so the red button is on top of the blue button, then tap on them both (which are now on top of each other) with one tap.

61. The slowest “star” here is the word star. So simply tap on the word and you are through.

62. Tap on the letters in the order of the lights, from top left to bottom right. So: A-B-C-D-E.

63. Simply tap on the butterfly and you are through.

64. Tap on the word “bicycles” three times to beat this one.

65. Tap on the balloons quickly 1-2-3 and you are done with this level.

66. Invert your device and the fish will automatically now be in the right order, and you are through.

67. This one only wants the 3rd balloon, so only tap on the 3rd balloon.

68. The “backmost” arrow is the one on the far right, the white one.

69. All the answers are wrong, but if you turn your device upside-down one will be correct (the second one). So turn your device upside-down then select the second one.

70. If you are in a race and go past the person in second place, you are now in second place, so your position is thus “second”.

71. You will need to just watch the bowls. If you are having problems, the dice is under the second cup.

72. Think here which of the animals listed you can actually ride on. The only one is elephant.

73. Turn your device 45 degrees so the square turns into a diamond and you are done.

74. Instead of trying to move the actual picture, move the word “picture” so it is inside the frame.

75. If you tap on change the word “backward” turns to “forward”. So hold the Change button down then press Go to get to the next puzzle.

76. Go by the first letter of each of these three fruits (and vegetables). So, Apple – Banana – Carrot.

77. Think of “right” as the direction, instead of correct. So place the car into the far right lot.

78. The mistake here is in the question, there is no full stop (like a period), so tap on that spot and you are done.

79. Press on the buttons to get new selections, you will want to get “next puzzle”. Once you have that, click on both of the buttons at once to get to the next puzzle.

80. This time, think of how many of each of the fruit are shown. So Apple (1), Grapes (2), then Bananas (3).

81. Each fold doubles the thickness, so the first fold doubles it from 0.01 to 0.02… then 0.04, 0.08, 0.16 and
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Selamat apa adalah My IQ solusi/panduan/Walkthrough/jawaban. Halaman ini akan memberikan semua jawaban atas setiap salah satu dari 101 tingkat dalam apa yang IQ saya. Kami akan menjaga hati untuk tingkat tambahan dan ditambahkan dan menambahkan walkthroughs baru yang diperlukan. Apa itu My IQ solusi/panduan/Walkthrough/jawaban adalah gaya populer pertanyaan-jawaban baru permainan puzzle di app store, dan memiliki versi gratis dan versi pro. Gunakan panduan ini untuk mendapatkan melalui semua tingkat dengan mudah! Apakah IQ saya-semua solusi 101 1. hanya geser panah atas untuk lulus tingkat.2. meminta untuk yang terbesar, tapi keinginan terbesar dalam ukuran, sehingga memilih 36.3. ini adalah sedikit trik. Ia sudah memberitahu Anda 1 = 5 sebagai persamaan pertama, jadi karena itu 5 = 1. 1 adalah jawaban Anda.4. Maria adalah ibu Anda. Ayahmu telah Bruder, ia akan hanya memiliki satu ipar dan itu akan menjadi ayah Anda m.5. ini rumit, tetapi kata "nomor" lebih kecil daripada tingkat angka, dan adalah yang terkecil.6. Anda mungkin berpikir itu 964, tapi Anda dapat menggunakan nomor beberapa kali. Oleh karena itu "jumlah terbesar adalah 999.7. berpikir tombol yang menunjuk pada, tidak ke arah cahaya. (Menunjuk di sebelah kiri)8. jika setiap Suster memiliki saudara 1, mereka semua memiliki sama saudara. Oleh karena itu ada 7 orang dalam keluarga.9. sederhana berpegang pada setiap sisi tagihan dengan dua jari, dan slide untuk memisahkan tagihan di setengah.10. Apakah Anda melihat kue? Kue adalah dusta. Jawabannya adalah 0 adalah lilin pada kue.11. Miringkan Anda Skotlandia Parlemen 90 derajat, sehingga panah atas adalah menunjuk ke atas dan panah bawah adalah menunjuk ke bawah.12. waktu itu meminta Anda arah mana yang bersinar, tetapi perhatikan bahwa cahaya tidak, dan karena itu tidak bersinar. Maka jawabannya adalah tidak ada.13. untuk yang satu ini, tekan pada kata "ember" dan "air" pada saat yang sama, dan terus sampai tingkat selesai.14. menjaga menggesekkan pada mobil dan Anda akhirnya akan membersihkan Lumpur dari itu.15. untuk membuat gempa bumi, mengguncangkan parlemen Skotlandia Anda.16. tidak hanya satu panah harga di sini, tapi meminta Anda untuk memperbaiki panah. Jadi Anda dapat memperbaiki hal ini dengan menyeka "s" pada panah.17. hanya melakukan persis apa yang satu ini itu meminta tetapi tidak melompat dari 5 untuk 6 sangat cepat, dan tidak mengikuti waktu sebelumnya.18. kuncinya di sini adalah berlian hijau tidak perlu pergi ke garis-garis yang meniru itu tetapi berubah. Sebaliknya menempatkan berlian hijau dalam ruang yang sama sebagai bintang.19. ketuk nomor bahkan dua (16 dan 17), dan kemudian pada kata "bahkan".20. mengubah Anda terbalik parlemen Skotlandia. Salah satu ember akan menunjukkan air di dalam. Memasuki satu dan Anda selesai. 21. Lihat kata-kata hati-hati dan perhatikan bahwa perkataan "berlawanan biru" berwarna cokelat. Sehingga menganggapnya sebagai: apa warna adalah "kalimat ini", yang merupakan cokelat.22. Kocok Anda parlemen Skotlandia di sini untuk mendapatkan semua apel untuk menunjukkan, ada 6 apel yang total.23. ingat kapan terakhir kali Anda diminta pertanyaan ini, ember yang berbeda adalah yang kedua (karena memiliki air di dalamnya).24. putri kelima akan Maria sendiri, klik saja pada namanya dalam pertanyaan (kata pertama).25. Anda tidak dapat membayar $ 2.20, tetapi Anda dapat membayar $ 1.10. Jadi geser jari Anda di tengah-tengah roti untuk mengiris itu, kemudian tekan pada sisi dan geser untuk memisahkan mereka. Sekarang membayar $ 1.10 dan Anda melalui.26. menemukan x berarti tekan x.27. Pindahkan semua bintang di atas kata "bintang" dan Anda selesai.28. ini sedikit rumit, tapi Anda dapat bergerak _ pertama untuk membuat tanda minus (negatif). Oleh karena itu nomor terkecil akan menjadi-99.29. Letakkan lada di bawah kata "sup" kemudian berjabat Anda parlemen Skotlandia. Hal ini menempatkan beberapa lada pada "sup" dan Anda melalui.30. untuk yang satu ini, lubang-lubang di kemeja melihat melalui, sehingga mereka benar-benar dua lubang setiap (satu di depan, satu di belakang). Bagian bawah, atas dan lengan juga lubang juga, "grand total 8 lubang.31. Petrus tidak bisa oleh serigala, tetapi Anda dapat menyingkirkan serigala oleh awan ekonomi tiga bersama-sama di atas serigala (sehingga mereka tumpang tindih). Hal ini menciptakan hujan yang takut dia off, memungkinkan Anda untuk slide Petrus ke rumahnya.32. bergerak kata "tidak merokok" ke dalam lingkaran merah dan voila, Anda memiliki tanda Rokok tidak.33. Miringkan parlemen Skotlandia Anda sehingga itu menghadap ke bawah, dan tinggi di udara (sehingga itu akan mensimulasikan menjadi topi). Pada dasarnya Anda berpura-pura memakainya di kepala Anda.34. ada kesalahan tata bahasa dua di sini, satu pertanyaan dan satu dalam pernyataan tertentu. Kesalahan yang: (1) "s" 'kesalahan', dan (2) "s" pada "suka".35. Tekan pada roll, sekarang jumlah poin pada 's Cottontail adalah titik-titik total, yang sama dengan 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21.36. bergerak kata "Utara" Jadi merah jarum kompas kedua menunjuk pada itu. Kemudian memilih Kompas kedua dan Anda selesai.37. untuk yang satu ini Anda perlu invert sel Skotlandia, dan kemudian tarik panah dari kanan ke kiri.38. trik untuk satu ini adalah untuk memindahkan area foto ke sisi kiri layar, sehingga Anda dapat menangkap bintang yang lebih mudah. Menyentuh area foto dan seret ke kiri, kemudian tekan ketika bintang berjalan melalui.39. bergerak kata "kucing" dari EU "Jadi itu duduk sendirian. Kemudian tekan "kucing" (yang tidak sesuai kelompok).40. semua bergabung ke dalam api unggun campfire satu besar dengan menyeret setiap kiri, bawah dan tepat ke atas. Kemudian tekan itu dan Anda melalui. 41. ingat bagaimana Anda membuat hujan? Kali ini hanya membatalkan itu. Ada beberapa awan putih di atas awan abu-abu, jadi memisahkan mereka dan Anda berhenti hujan.42. Ketuk pada 20 kg kemudian pada 10 kg, kemudian perlahan-lahan memutar sel sampai parlemen Skotlandia Skotlandia sel membaca 25 kg.43. ada lain ikan di bawah kedua ikan. Jadi bergerak ikan kedua keluar dari jalan, lalu pilih ikan ini melewati.44. Ketuk bel pintu 3 kali sangat cepat untuk bangun tetangga Anda tidur.45. Anda dapat memisahkan kedua awan di setengah, memproduksi dua awan kecil. Tekan pada salah satu untuk melewati.46. memindahkan layar jauh ke kanan sehingga dari layar. Ini ternyata menjadi malam hari, menampilkan burung hantu.47. memperhatikan kata-kata, meminta Anda untuk "spell it", jadi silakan dan mengeja "itu".48. tahan pada tombol biaya dan itu akan akhirnya mengisi baterai, hanya menunggu kedua untuk itu terjadi.49. jadi Tekan pada yang pertama, ketiga, dan kelima tombol untuk membuka aman.50. ini sedikit rumit, tapi: 1 = satu yang tiga huruf, 4 = empat yang empat surat, 5, 6, 7 huruf, sehingga Anda perlu sejumlah yang lebih 8 surat, yang adalah 18.51. Ambil Ban di tempat terbuka dan seret di atas Ban di bagian belakang untuk mendapatkan melalui.52. Anda perlu menunggu bom meledak, jadi menunggu timer untuk menjalankan kemudian ketuk pada bom 3 kali.53. untuk menemukan solusi melakukan perhitungan (6 × 3)-(4 × 2). Pemecahan ini, Anda mendapatkan jawaban dari nomor 8.54. invert parlemen Skotlandia sehingga sel merah di sisi kiri layar.55. Ambil cangkir tapi menyeret cangkir dari tumpukan satu pada satu waktu, dan menempatkan mereka di baris di sisi kanan.56. mengambil ban depan dari mobil dan drag off ke samping. Sekarang ambil ban cadangan dan bergerak di atas ruang yang Anda buat untuk mengganti ban.57. hanya tekan pada balon dalam rangka... 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 (balon baru akan muncul sebagai Anda pop yang lain).58. untuk menyelesaikan satu ini, tekan pada makanan dalam urutan ini coffee-cake-cola-coffee-cake-cola. Ini memecahkan persyaratan.59. kuncinya saat ini adalah bahwa Anda perlu untuk mengubah Anda terbalik parlemen Skotlandia untuk mengubah 9 menjadi 6, dan vica-versa, bila diperlukan. Jadi tekan 1-2-3-4-5-[10 terbalik, yang kemudian 6] -7 - 8-[9 terbalik, yang kemudian menjadi 9]60. tilt parlemen Skotlandia ke kiri sehingga tombol merah di atas tombol biru, kemudian ketuk pada keduanya (yang sekarang di atas satu sama lain) dengan satu ketukan. 61. paling lambat "bintang" di sini adalah bintang kata. Jadi hanya tekan pada kata dan Anda melalui.62. Ketuk pada huruf di lampu filsuf, dari kiri ke bawah kanan atas. Jadi: A-B-C-D-E.63. hanya tekan pada kupu-kupu dan Anda melalui.64. Ketuk pada kata "Sepeda" tiga kali untuk mengalahkan yang satu ini.65. Ketuk pada balon cepat 1-2-3 dan Anda selesai dengan tingkat ini.66. invert Skotlandia Anda dan ikan sekarang akan secara otomatis dapat dalam urutan yang benar, dan Anda berada melalui.67. ini hanya ingin 3 balon, jadi hanya tekan pada balon 3.68. panah "paling belakang" yang di sebelah kanan jauh, yang putih.69. semua jawaban salah, tetapi jika Anda mengubah Anda terbalik Skotlandia satu akan benar (yang kedua). Maka berpalinglah Anda Skotlandia terbalik kemudian pilih yang kedua.70. jika Anda berada dalam perlombaan dan pergi masa lalu orang di tempat kedua, Anda sekarang berada di tempat kedua, jadi posisi Anda adalah "kedua".71. Anda akan perlu untuk hanya menonton mangkuk. Jika Anda mengalami masalah, 's Cottontail berada di bawah cangkir kedua.72. berpikir di sini yang dari hewan terdaftar Anda dapat benar-benar naik. Satu-satunya adalah Gajah.73. giliran Anda Skotlandia Parlemen 45 derajat sehingga square berubah menjadi berlian dan Anda selesai.74. bukannya mencoba untuk memindahkan gambar sebenarnya, bergerak kata "foto" Jadi di dalam bingkai.75. jika Anda menekan mengubah kata "terbalik" berubah menjadi "teruskan". Jadi tahan tombol Ubah lalu tekan pergi untuk mendapatkan teka-teki berikutnya.76. pergi dengan huruf pertama dari masing-masing tiga buah (dan sayuran). Jadi, Apple-Banana-wortel.77. pikirkan "benar" sebagai arah, bukan benar. Jadi tempat mobil menjadi kanan.78. kesalahan di sini dalam pertanyaan, ada tidak berhenti penuh (seperti sebulan), jadi Tekan pada bahwa tempat dan Anda selesai.79. Tekan tombol untuk mendapatkan pilihan baru, Anda akan ingin mendapatkan "selanjutnya puzzle". Setelah Anda memiliki itu, klik pada kedua tombol sekaligus untuk mendapatkan teka-teki berikutnya.80. ini waktu, berpikir tentang berapa banyak masing-masing buah adalah harga. Begitu Apple (1), anggur (2), kemudian pisang (3). 81. folder ini ganda ketebalan masing-masing, jadi pertama ganda folder ini dari 0,01 0.03... kemudian 0,04, 0,08, 0,16 dan
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Welcome to What s My IQ Solutions / Guide / walkthrough / Answers. This page will give you all the answers to every one of the 101 levels in What s My IQ. We will keep watch for additional levels and added and add new Walkthroughs as needed. What s My IQ Solutions / Guide / walkthrough / Answers is a new populer question-answer style puzzle game on the app store, and has a free version and pro version. Use this guide to get through all the levels with ease! What s My IQ - All 101 Solusi 1. Simply slide the panah over to pass the level. 2. It asks for the biggest, but wants the biggest in size, so choose 36. 3. This one is a bit of a trick. It already tells you 1 = 5 as the first equation, so therefore 5 = 1. 1 is your answer. 4. Mary is your mother. Your dad has one brother, he would only have one sister-in-law and that would be your dad s wife. 5. This one is tricky, but the word "number" is smaller than the numbers shown, and is thus the smallest. 6. You may think it s 964, but you can use the numbers multiple times. Therefore the largest number is 999. 7. Think of which button it is pointing at, not the direction of the light. (It s pointing at LEFT) 8. If each sister has 1 brother, they all have the same brother. Therefore there are 7 people in the family. 9. Simple hold on each sides of the bill with two fingers, and slide away to separate the bill in half. 10. Do you see a cake? The cake is a lie. The answer is 0 candles are on the cake. 11. Tilt your device 90 degrees, so the up arrow is pointing up and the down arrow is pointing down. 12. This time it asks you which direction it is shining, but note that the light is not on, and therefore not shining. Thus the answer is none. 13. For this one, tap on the words "pail" and "water" at the same time, and hold until the level is complete. 14. Keep menggesekkan on the car and you will eventually clean the mud off of it. 15. To create an earthquake, simply shake your device. 16. There is only one panah shown here, but it asks you to correct the Arrows. So you can fix this by wiping away the "s" on arrows. 17. Simply do exactly what this one asks but not it jumps from the 5th to 6th very quickly, and does not follow the previous timing. 18. The trick here is that the green diamond does not need to go into the dotted lines that mimic it but are turned. Instead put the green diamond into the same space as the star. 19. Tap the two even numbers (22 and 14), and then on the word "even". 20. Turn your device upside-down. One of the pails will show water inside. Tap that one and you are done. 21. Look at the words carefully and notice that the words "the opposite of blue" are the colored brown. So think of it as: What color is "this sentence", which is brown. 22. Shake your device here to get all the apples to show, there are 6 apples total. 23. Remember the last time you were asked this question, the pail that is different is the second one (as it has water in it). 24. The fifth daughter would be Mary herself, so click on her name in the question (the first word). 25. You can not pay $ 2.20, but you can pay $ 1.10. So slide your finger down the center of the bread to slice it in half, then press on the sides and slide out to separate them. Sekarang pay $ 1.10 and you are through. 26. Find x simply means to tap on x. 27. Move all the stars on top of the word "star" and you are done. 28. This one is a bit tricky, but you can move the first _ up to make it a minus (negative) sign. Therefore the smallest number would be -99. 29. Place the pepper under the word "soup" then shake your device. This puts some pepper on "soup" and you are through. 30. For this one, the holes in the shirt are see-through, so they are actually two holes each (one on the front, one on the back). The bottom, top and arms are also holes as well, giving a grand total of 8 holes. 31. Peter can not get by the wolf, but you can get rid of the wolf by bringing the three clouds together above the wolf (so they overlap). This creates rain which scares him off, allowing you to slide Peter to his home. 32. Move the words "no smoking" into the red circle and voila, you have a no smoking sign. 33. Tilt your device so it is facing downwards, and high in the air (so it would simulate being a hat). Basically you are pretending to wear it on your head. 34. Ada dua grammar mistakes here, one in the question and one in the statement given. The mistakes are: (1) the "s" on "mistakes", and (2) the "s" on "likes". 35. Tap on roll, now the number of points on the dice is the total points, which equals 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21. 36. Move the word "north" so the red needle of the second compass is pointing at it. Then pick the second compass and you are done. 37. For this one you need to invert your device, and then drag the dart from the right to the left. 38. The trick to this one is to move the photo area to the left side of the screen, so you can catch the star easier. Touch on the photo area and drag it to the left, then tap on it when the star runs through. 39. Move the word "cat" out of "catfish" so it sits alone. Then tap on "cat" (which does not fit the group). 40. Combine all the campfires into one big campfire by dragging each of the left, bottom and right ones into the top one. Then tap on it and you are through. 41. Remember how you created the rain? This time simply undo it. Ada multiple white clouds on the grey cloud, so separate them out and you stop the rain. 42. Tap on the 20kg then on the 10kg, then rotate your device slowly until your device reads 25kg. 43. There is another fish under the second fish. So move the second fish out of the way, then select this fish to pass through. 44. Tap on the doorbell 5 times very quickly to wake up your sleeping neighbor. 45. You can separate the second cloud in half, producing two smaller clouds. Tap on one of these to pass through. 46. Move the screen far to the right so it is off-screen. This turns it into night time, showing the owl. 47. Look at the words carefully, it asks you to "spell it", so go ahead and spell "it". 48. Hold on the charge button and it will eventually charge the batteries up, just wait a second for it to happen. 49. So press on the first, third and kelima buttons to open the safe. 50. This one is a bit tricky, but: 1 = one which three letters, 4 = four which is four letters, then 5,6,7 letters, so you need a number that is 8 letters, which is 18. 51. Grab the tire in the open and drag it on top of the tire on the back to get through. 52. You need to wait for the bomb to explode, so wait for the timer to run out then tap on the bomb 3 times. 53. To find the solution do the calculation (6 × 3) - (5 × 2). Solving this, you get the answer of the number 8. 54. Invert your device so that red is on the left side of the screen. 55. Grab the cups but dragging a cup off the pile one at a time, and put them in the lines on the right side. 56. Take the front tire off of the car and drag it off onto the side. Sekarang grab the spare tire and move it on top of the space you created to replace the tire. 57. Simply tap on the balloons in order ... 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 (new balloons will appear as you pop other ones). 58. To solve this one, tap on the food in this order coffee-cake-cola-coffee-cake-cola. This solves the requirements. 59. The trick this time is that you need to turn your device upside-down to turn the 9 into a 6, dan Vica-versa, when needed. So tap 1-2-3-4-5- [9 upside-down, which is then a 6] -7-8- [6 upside-down, which is then a 9] 60. Tilt the device to the left so the red button is on top of the blue button, then tap on them both (which are now on top of each other) with one tap. 61. The slowest "star" here is the word star. So simply tap on the word and you are through. 62. Tap on the letters in the order of the lights, from top left to bottom right. So: ABCDE. 63. Simply tap on the butterfly and you are through. 64. Tap on the word "bicycles" three times to beat this one. 65. Tap on the balloons quickly 1-2-3 and you are done with this level. 66. Invert your device and the fish will automatically now be in the right order, and you are through. 67. This one only wants the 3rd balloon, so only tap on the 3rd balloon. 68. The "backmost" panah is the one on the far right, the white one. 69. All the answers are wrong, but if you turn your device upside-down one will be correct (the second one). So turn your device upside-down then select the second one. 70. If you are in a race and go past the person in second place, you are now in second place, so your position is thus "second". 71. You will need to just watch the bowls. If you are having problems, the dice is under the second cup. 72. Think here which of the animals listed you can actually ride on. The only one is elephant. 73. Turn your device 45 degrees so the square turns into a diamond and you are done. 74. Instead of trying to move the actual picture, move the word "picture" so it is inside the frame. 75. If you tap on change the word "backward" turns to "forward". So hold the Change button down then press Go to get to the next puzzle. 76. Go by the first letter of each of these three fruits (and vegetables). So, Apple - Banana - Carrot. 77. Think of "right" as the direction, instead of correct. So place the car into the far right lot. 78. The mistake here is in the question, there is no full stop (like a period), so tap on that spot and you are done. 79. Press on the buttons to get new selections, you will want to get "next puzzle". Once you have that, click on both of the buttons at once to get to the next puzzle. 80. This time, think of how many of each of the fruit are shown. So Apple (1), Grapes (2), then Bananas (3). 81. Each fold doubles the thickness, so the first fold doubles it from 0.01 to 0.02 ... then 0.04, 0.08, 0.16 and






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