1.1 PENGENALANBangunan wakaf Kompleks Suleymaniye dibina oleh Sultan S terjemahan - 1.1 PENGENALANBangunan wakaf Kompleks Suleymaniye dibina oleh Sultan S Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

1.1 PENGENALANBangunan wakaf Komple

Bangunan wakaf Kompleks Suleymaniye dibina oleh Sultan Suleiman I (Suleiman al-Qanuni) pada tahun 1550 dan siap pada tahun 1957. Kompleks ini dibina di atas sebuah puncak bukit di Istanbul. Komplek Suleymaniye terdiri daripada bangunan-bangunan yang dibina secara teratur dan bersistematik menjadi sebuah bandar yang lengkap untuk sebuah kehidupan. Selain kompleks Suleymaniye terdapat juga komplek yang pernah dibina sebelumnya seperti Komplek Beyazit 1, Kompleks Mehmet II dan Kompleks Selim I. Dalam keempat-empat kompleks tersebut, Kompleks Suleymaniye merupakan kompleks bandar terbesar dalam kerajaan
Bagi tujuan memahami perbincangan kertas kerja, eloklah dahulu difahami kedudukan bangunan dalam wakaf dengan merujuk Gambar rajah 1. Dalam wakaf, bangunan terletak di bawah perbincangan harta wakaf. Menurut Razali Othman (2014) dari segi klasifikasi, harta wakaf dibahagi kepada dua. Pertama, diklasifikasikan mengikut penerima manfaat harta wakaf. Klasifikasi kedua adalah mengikut harta yang diwakafkan. Penerima harta wakaf pula dibahagikan mengikut jenis wakaf iaitu wakaf am, wakaf keluarga dan wakaf gabungan. Harta yang diwakafkan pula terdiri daripada dua bentuk iaitu harta alih dan harta tak alih. Harta alih adalah harta yang boleh dipindahkan dari satu tempat ke satu tempat yang lain seperti mata wang, haiwan, kenderaan, perabot dan barangan yang boleh disukat (Abdul Halim el-Muhammady, 2001). Bagi harta tak alih pula adalah melibatkan harta yang tidak boleh dipindahkan ke tempat lain seperti bangunan, rumah dan tanah. Oleh yang demikian, bangunan terdiri daripada klasifikasi kedua ini.

Harta tak alih juga merangkumi bangunan-bangunan seperti masjid, kedai, rumah mandi, rumah penjagaan orang tua, kandang kuda dan sekolah, hospital, perpustakaan dan apa saja struktur yang menyerupai bangunan (Razali Othman, 2014).

Menurut Norhaliza Mohd Nor (2009) tanah juga boleh diwakaf dan dikategorikan sebagai harta tak alih. Ini membolehkan bangunan berkaitan peribadatan dan juga sosial turut dibina di atas tanah yang diwakafkan ini. Beliau menyenaraikan bangunan yang dibina di atas tanah wakaf terdiri daripada masjid, surau, sekolah, bangunan komersial, bangunan kediaman dan bangunan perindustrian kecuali perkuburan dan kebajikan atau anak yatim tidak dinyatakan pula dari segi bangunan secara jelas. Bagi kos penyelenggaraan dan pengurusan bangunan wakaf yang dibina pula diperolehi daripada instrument pembiayaan Islam seperti wakaf tunai, saham wakaf, istibdal, keuntungan daripada sewaan hartanah.

Daripada Razali Othman (2014) dan Norhaliza Mohd Noor (2009) di atas dapat difahami bahawa wakaf dari aspek bangunan dapat dikategorikan mengikut bangunan wakaf dan wakaf bangunan. Istilah bangunan wakaf dan wakaf bangunan dibina berdasarkan pemahaman saham wakaf dan wakaf saham yang telah dikemukakan oleh oleh Siti Mashitoh Mahamood, Asmak Ab Rahman, Hasnol Zam-Zam Ahmad & Syarqawi Muhammad (2007). Kedua-dua ini berbeza seperti mana bezanya saham wakaf (SW) dan wakaf saham (WS) yang dinyatakan oleh Siti Mashitoh Mahamood, Asmak Ab Rahman, Hasnol Zam-Zam Ahmad & Syarqawi Muhammad (2007).

Perbezaan bangunan wakaf dan wakaf bangunan ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 1 dibawah. Bangunan wakaf dan wakaf bangunan dapat dibezakan dan difahami mengikut tujuan, aset terlibat dan proses yang terlibat. Bangunan wakaf melibatkan penukaran wang tunai atau keuntungan pelaburan yang diwakafkan bertujuan pembinaan bangunan seperti yang dibincangkan oleh Norhaliza Mohd Noor (2009). Manakala, wakaf bangunan pula melibatkan bangunan yang dimiliki seseorang atau sesuatu badan sebagai harta yang diwakafkan.

Dari sudut syariah pula, menurut pandangan Mazhab Hanafi dan Shafii wakaf berupa bangunan adalah sah dan diterima (Reazul Karim, 2007). Ini kerana sifat bangunan itu sendiri iaitu benda yang kekal berada di atas tanah dan bersifat berpanjangan. Bangunan juga bersifat patuh pensyariatan wakaf. Ini kerana bangunan memenuhi tiga prinsip asas sah wakaf dari segi hukum iaitu muktamad (irrevocability), kekekalan (perpetual) dan tidak boleh dipindah milik (inalinability). Dengan maksud lain, bangunan tersebut wujud kekal dan tidak musnah. Bagi Mazhab Maliki pula ketiga-tiga prinsip asas sah wakaf turut diterima. Walaupun begitu, Mazhab Maliki juga meraikan dan menerima pihak yang ingin mewakafkan bangunan secara bertempoh namun melarang bangunan masjid untuk tujuan sedemikian. (Reazul Karim, 2007).

Dari sudut sejarah pula, wakaf berbentuk bangunan sudah dilaksanakan sejak zaman Rasulullah SAW lagi sehingga kemuncaknya di zaman kerajaan Uthmaniah. Ketika zaman kerajaan Uthmaniah, wakaf untuk tujuan pembinaan bangunan dilakukan secara meluas dan diterima oleh masyarakat dan empayarnya pada abad ke-15. Wakaf untuk tujuan pembinaan bangunan yang dilaksanakan mampu memakmurkan masyarakat Uthmaniah ketika itu. Pembangunan sosioekonomi juga terserlah dengan wujudnya bangunan yang memberi perkhidmatan s
Dari: Melayu
Ke: Inggris
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
1.1 INTRODUCTIONBuilding shelters, Suleymaniye Complex built by Sultan Suleiman I (Suleiman Suleiman the magnificent), in 1550 and completed in 1957. The complex is built on a hilltop in Istanbul. Suleymaniye complex consists of buildings built in an orderly and systematic became a town for a life. In addition to the Suleymaniye complex there is also a complex built in the previous such as Complex 1, Kompleks Mehmet Beyazit II and complex Selim i. In all four of the complex, Suleymaniye Complex is the largest in the Government complex in the city 1.2 POSITION BUILDING in the WAQFFor the purpose of understanding the discussion papers, be sure to first understand the position of the building in the wakaf with reference diagram 1. The Waqf, the building is under discussion, endowment assets. According to Razali Othman (2014) in terms of classification, the property of the Waqf is divided into two. The first, classified according to the Waqf property benefits recipients. The second classification is in accordance with the property diwakafkan. Recipients property wakaf split by type of wakaf namely General, family shelters, shelters and wakaf affiliates. Property diwakafkan in turn consists of two forms of namely, movable and immovable property. The movable property is a property that can be transferred from one place to another place, such as currency, animals, vehicles, furniture and goods that can be measured (Abdul Halim el-Muhammady, 2001). For immovable property is involving the property cannot be transferred to other places such as buildings, houses and land. As such, the building consists of this second classification. Immovable property includes buildings such as mosques, shops, home bathroom, elderly nursing home, stables and schools, hospitals, libraries and whatever structures resembling building (Razali Othman, 2014).According to Norhaliza Mohd Nor (2009) land can also diwakaf and categorized as immovable property. This allows the relevant building and worship also social also built upon which this diwakafkan. He listed buildings are built upon Waqf consists of mosques, prayer rooms, schools, commercial buildings, residential buildings and industrial buildings with the exception of burial and welfare or orphanages did not stated in terms of the building clearly. For the cost of maintenance and management of building shelters, built in turn derived from Islamic financing instruments such as cash, stocks of wakaf wakaf, istibdal, profit from rental properties. From Razali Othman (2014) and Norhaliza Mohd Noor (2009) above it is understandable that it has in terms of building can be categorized according building Waqf and endowment building. The term Waqf and endowment building buildings built on Waqf and wakaf understanding shares were submitted by by Siti Mashitoh Mahamood, Asmak Ab Rahman, Ahmad Zamzam well & actor & Syarqawi Muhammad (2007). Both these different as different shares of wakaf (SW) and wakaf share (WS) stated by Siti Mashitoh Mahamood, Asmak Ab Rahman, Ahmad Zamzam well & actor & Syarqawi Muhammad (2007). Differences in building shelters and shelters, buildings are shown in table 1 below. Building shelters and wakaf building distinguishable and understood by purpose, the assets involved and the processes involved. Building shelters, involves the conversion of cash or investment profits that diwakafkan meant construction of buildings similar to those discussed by Norhaliza Mohd Noor (2009). While, wakaf buildings involving buildings owned by a person or a body as a property diwakafkan.On the other hand, from the point of view of Shariah according to Hanafi and Shafii Waqf in the form of building is valid and accepted (Reazul Karim, 2007). This is because the nature of the building itself which is the thing that remains on the ground and long-lasting nature. The building also has a pensyariatan compliant nature. This is because the buildings meet the three basic principles valid in terms of the law which has the ultimate (irrevocability), immortality (Al-) and are non-transferable (inalinability). With other purpose, the building remains and is not destroyed exists. For Maliki in turn these three basic principles valid wakaf also accepted. Even so, Maliki also celebrate and receive the who want to mewakafkan building in term but prohibits building mosque to such purposes. (Reazul Karim, 2007). From the point of history, the Waqf shaped building already implemented since the Messenger again until its peak in the age of Government Uthmaniah. During the Government of Uthmaniah, wakaf for purposes of building construction is done widely and accepted by society and Empire in the 15th century. Endowment for the purpose of building construction undertaken able to glorify the Uthmaniah society at the time. Socioeconomic development is also highlighted by the existence of building services s
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Building Complex endowments Suleymaniye built by Sultan Suleiman I (Suleiman al-Suleiman) in 1550 and completed in 1957. The complex is built on a hilltop in Istanbul. Suleymaniye complex consists of buildings built regularly and systematically into a city full of life. In addition there are also complex Suleymaniye complex ever built before, such as Beyazit Complex 1, Complex Complex Mehmet II and Selim I. In four of the complex, Suleymaniye Complex is the largest urban complex in the government
For the purposes of understanding the discussion paper, probably first understood the position of the building in the endowment with reference diagram 1. in the endowment, the building is under discussion waqf. According to Razali Othman (2014) in terms of classification, the waqf split into two. First, classified according to the waqf beneficiaries. The second classification is according to the property donated. Receiver waqf property is divided according to the type of waqf endowments am, endowments and charitable family combination. Donated property consists of two forms of movable and immovable property. Movable property is property that can be moved from one place to another, such as currency, animals, vehicles, furniture and items that can be measured (Abdul Halim el-Muhammady, 2001). For immovable property also includes property that is not transferable to other places such as buildings, houses and land. The building consists of the classification of this second.

Immovable property also includes buildings such as mosques, shops, bath houses, nursing home, stables and a school, hospital, library and any structure that resembles building (Razali Othman , 2014).

According to Norhaliza Mohd Nor (2009) land endowments and can also be categorized as immovable property. This allows building-related worship and social well being constructed on land that was donated. He listed building built on donated land consists of a mosque, surau, schools, commercial buildings, residential buildings and industrial buildings except cemetery and welfare of orphans or not expressed also in terms of building clearly. For the cost of building maintenance and management of waqf built was obtained from instruments of Islamic financing such as the waqf of cash, stock ownership, istibdal, profit from property rental.

From Razali Othman (2014) and Norhaliza Mohd Noor (2009) above can be understood that the endowment of the buildings can be categorized by building endowments and endowment building. The term endowment and endowment building buildings built on the understanding of waqf endowments and shares which have been submitted by the Lately, Asmak Ab Rahman, Hasnol Zam-Zam Ahmad & Syarqawi Muhammad (2007). Both have different as the difference of waqf (SW) and waqf share (WS) specified by Lately, Asmak Ab Rahman, Hasnol Zam-Zam Ahmad & Syarqawi Muhammad (2007).

The difference of building endowment and endowment building shown in Table 1 below. Building endowments and endowment building can be distinguished and understood by purpose, the assets involved and the processes involved. Endowment building involves the conversion of cash or investment profits donated building intended as discussed by Norhaliza Mohd Noor (2009). Meanwhile, endowment building involves building owned by a person or a body as a waqf property.

From the point of sharia also, in the view of the Hanafi and Shafi'i waqf is building a legitimate and acceptable (Reazul Karim, 2007). This is because the nature of the building itself that is the thing that remains above ground and is prolonged. The building is also compliant pensyariatan endowment. This is because the building meets the three basic principles of the law in terms of legal ownership of the ultimate (irrevocability), immortality (perpetual) and non-transferable (inalinability). In other words, the building remains in existence and not destroyed. Maliki also for the three basic principles were valid waqf received. Even so, Maliki also celebrate and accept those who want to endow a building for tenured but prohibit the building of mosques for such purposes. (Reazul Karim, 2007).

Historically, the form of the waqf buildings have been implemented since the time of the Prophet until its climax in the days of the Ottoman government. When the days of the Ottoman government, donated to the construction of the building was widely accepted by society and its empire in the 15th century. Endowments for the purpose of building a prosperous society can be implemented when the Ottomans. Socio-economic development is also demonstrated by the existence of buildings which provide services s
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