Ketiga, di samping ciri-ciri kecekapan pensijilan bangunan hijau oleh  terjemahan - Ketiga, di samping ciri-ciri kecekapan pensijilan bangunan hijau oleh  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Ketiga, di samping ciri-ciri keceka

Ketiga, di samping ciri-ciri kecekapan pensijilan bangunan hijau oleh GBI, terdapat empat lagi ciri-ciri yang boleh dilihat dari Masjid Cyberjaya, iaitu ciri-ciri iman, aspek kerohanian dan nilai-nilai estetik yang boleh digunakan sebagai elemen bangunan hijau daripada perspektif PBI. Masjid terkenal, sebagai tempat ibadat. Ia adalah di mana ibadah seperti solat dan aktiviti kebaktian ditawarkan (Lokman Ab. Rahman, 1996). Masjid ini adalah sebuah bangunan yang boleh memupuk iman dan menarik orang yang lebih dekat dengan Allah SWT. Masjid Cyberjaya adalah sebuah bangunan yang dimaksudkan bagi aktiviti keagamaan, untuk membawa manusia lebih dekat dengan Allah. Lain-lain bentuk hubungan tidak langsung dengan Tuhan juga boleh ditubuhkan melalui cara lain.

Selain masjid melambangkan keesaan Allah, Islam juga telah mengenal pasti ciri lain yang terdapat di dalam masjid. Simbol yang berkaitan dengan perbuatan atau percubaan untuk berkomunikasi dan memperkenalkan perkara penting dalam Islam. Pada asasnya, ciri-ciri fizikal masjid termasuk mempunyai menara untuk panggilan untuk solat (azan), yang 'mihrab, dewan solat, mimbar dan kubah. Dalam konteks ini, Masjid Cyberjaya telah terus dipertingkatkan dengan ajaran Islam melalui cara fizikal dan berfungsi. Secara tidak langsung, tindakan itu akan menunjukkan bukti ketaatan manusia kepada Allah sebagai Pencipta dan manusia sebagai hamba dan khalifah di muka bumi.
Dari sudut pembangunan rohani, Masjid Cyberjaya juga telah memberi penekanan kepada kebajikan jemaah, dengan menyediakan kemudahan seperti akses kerusi roda untuk perkhidmatan orang kurang upaya, eskalator ke tingkat atas, ruang makan yang disediakan berhampiran kawasan atas, yang boleh memudahkan wanita di masjid sekiranya hari raya. Kebajikan jemaah diberi penekanan dengan menjunjung interaksi manusia, seperti yang terbukti dalam 'terkandung di dalam tasawwur'.

Menurut Mohd Faizal, aktiviti telah diadakan untuk membangunkan semangat kerohanian dalam masjid. Beberapa bilik untuk kajian. Setakat ini, 'tazkirah' selepas solat Maghrib akan diadakan setiap malam Jumaat. Walaupun pada malam Jumaat, bacaan Yassin akan diadakan. Bagi jemaah haji yang memerlukan perkhidmatan pada perkara yang berhubungan dengan amal, pejabat cawangan amal telah dibuka di masjid. Di samping itu, untuk mengukuhkan golongan muda dengan asas-asas agama, kem muda 'Imam' semasa cuti sekolah akan diadakan. Penyertaan ke kem dibuka kepada penduduk di Cyberjaya atau kepada mereka dari kawasan luar bandar. Pada 'terkandung di dalam tasawwur', pembangunan merujuk kepada bukan sahaja pembangunan fizikal, tetapi ia juga termasuk pembangunan rohani di mana ia menekankan pembangunan manusia dalaman dan luaran. Ia boleh dilihat bahawa di dalam masjid, ia bukan sahaja memenuhi keperluan ibadat tetapi termasuk aktiviti yang dianjurkan untuk meningkatkan kefahaman dan ketaatan kepada Allah SWT.
Dari sudut reka bentuk, masjid ini adalah satu konsep yang moden, tetapi ia juga digabungkan dengan estetik nilai-nilai. Nilai-nilai estetika dalam Masjid Cyberjaya termasuk keindahan unsur-unsur tradisional, unsur-unsur buatan manusia dan unsur-unsur semula jadi. Keindahan masjid ini diserlahkan dengan ukiran kayu tradisional mempunyai ayat-ayat khat al-Quran (Rajah 5). Untuk kesan estetik juga, rangkaian besi yang direka dengan baik telah digunakan pada kepada panel kaca dan panel dinding sekitar kubah masjid. Begitu juga, pokok-pokok ditanam di ruang dalam dan luar masjid bertujuan untuk memberi gambaran ruang hidup dan kesan daripada aroma minyak wangi. Pokok bunga Cape ditanam sebagai contoh di ruang tamu di masjid manakala pokok Kesidang, Kemboja dan Cempaka ditanam dalam persekitaran luar Masjid (Rajah 6).
Sebaliknya, dalam 'terkandung di dalam tasawwur', alam sekitar yang berkaitan dengan hubungan manusia dengan Pencipta. Oleh itu, adalah penting untuk membangunkan sifat harmoni dan estetika, dan tidak merosakkannya dengan perkembangan berleluasa; terdapat keperluan untuk mematuhi dan mengekalkan fungsi kehambaan dan menjadi khalifah Allah SWT. Alam bina perlu ditangani dengan rasa penuh tanggungjawab, kejujuran, moral dan etika untuk menegakkan sepenuhnya hubungan manusia dengan makhluk lain (Muhammad SyukriSalleh, 2003).

Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat dua kelemahan yang dikenal pasti dalam Masjid Cyberjaya. Pertama, ia adalah dari segi kemudahan yang disediakan untuk orang kurang upaya. Setakat ini, tiada lebih lif untuk orang kurang upaya ke tingkat atas, terutamanya bagi jemaah wanita. Ini kerana ruang solat wanita dengan perhimpunan itu diletakkan di tingkat atas. Kedua, ia akan menjadi fungsi dakwah Islam kepada bukan Islam. Setakat ini, tiada kakitangan lain dari Masjid telah ditugaskan khusus untuk menyediakan maklumat mengenai Islam kepada pengunjung bukan Islam. Masjid Cyberjaya memainkan peranan yang penting untuk tugas itu kerana masjid ini adalah salah satu tarikan pelancong, di pasaran tempatan dan luar negara.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Third, in addition to the characteristic efficiency green building certification by GBI, there are four more features that can be seen from Cyberjaya, which features faith, aspects of spiritual and aesthetic values that can be used as elements of green building from the perspective of PBI. The famous mosque, a place of worship. It is where worship like prayer and activities offered kebaktian (Lokman AB. Rahman, 1996). This mosque is a building that can nurture the faith and draw people closer to God. Cyberjaya Mosque is a building intended for religious activities, to bring man closer to God. Other forms of indirect relationship with God can also be established by other means.In addition to the mosque symbolises the oneness of Allah, Islam has also identified other features found in the mosque. Symbols related to acts or attempts to communicate and introduce important thing in Islam. Basically, the physical characteristics of the mosque includes Tower to call for prayer (Athan), the ' mihrab, the prayer hall, pulpit and dome. In this context, the mosque of Cyberjaya was intensified with the teachings of Islam in the way physical and functional. Indirectly, the action will show proof of human obedience to God as creator and of humans as slaves and the Caliph in the land.From the point of spiritual development, Masjid Cyberjaya also gave emphasis to the welfare of the Congregation, by providing facilities such as wheelchair access for the disabled, an escalator to the upper floors, the dining room provided near the top, which can facilitate women in mosques if hari raya. Welfare of the Cabinet be emphasized with the use of human interaction, as proven in ' contained in ' worldviews.According to Mohd Faizal, activities have been held to develop a sense of spirituality in the mosque. Some of the rooms to study. So far, the ' WTF ' after Maghrib prayers will be held every Friday night. Even on Friday night, Yassin will be held. For pilgrims who need service on matters relating to charity, a charity Branch Office was opened at the mosque. In addition, to strengthen the youth with the fundamentals of religion, young ' Priest ' camp during school holidays will be held. Entry to the camp is open to the residents of Cyberjaya or to those from rural areas. On ' contained in ' worldviews, development refers to not only the physical development, but they also include spiritual development where it emphasizes the human development internal and external. It can be seen that in the mosque, it not only meets the needs of worship but includes activities to enhance the understanding of and obedience to Allah.From the point of design, this mosque is a modern concept, but it is also combined with aesthetic values. Values aesthetics in Cyberjaya Mosque including the beauty of traditional elements, elements of man-made and natural elements. The beauty of this mosque is highlighted with traditional wood carving has calligraphic signs of al-Quran (Figure 5). For aesthetic effect, also network well-designed iron has been used on the glass panels and wall panels around the dome of the mosque. Similarly, trees planted in the spaces inside and outside the mosque aims to provide an overview of the living space and effect of fragrance perfume. Trees planted for example flowers Cape in the living room at the mosque while trees Kesidang, Cambodia and Cempaka are grown in an environment outside a mosque (Figure 6).On the other hand, in ' contained in ' worldviews, environment-related human relationship with the creator. Therefore, it is important to develop the nature of harmony and aesthetics, and not merosakkannya with the development of rampant; There is a need to observe and maintain the function of kehambaan and became a Caliph of God Almighty. Built environment need to be addressed with a full sense of responsibility, honesty, morals and ethics to uphold fully the human relationship with other creatures (Muhammad SyukriSalleh, 2003).However, there are two weaknesses in Cyberjaya Mosque. First, it was in terms of facilities provided for disabled persons. So far, there are no more elevator for disabled persons to upper floors, especially for women. This is because women's prayer space with the Assembly placed on the upper floors. Second, it will be a function of the Da'wah of Islam to non-Muslims. So far, there are no other employees of the Mosque has been dedicated to providing information about Islam to non-Muslims. Masjid Cyberjaya plays an important role for the task because the mosque is one of the tourist attractions, in the local market and abroad.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Third, in addition to efficiency features green building certification by the GBI, there are four more features that can be seen from the mosques Cyberjaya, namely the characteristics of faith, the spiritual and aesthetic values which can be used as an element of green building from the perspective of PBI , Famous mosque, a place of worship. It is where worship such as prayer and devotional activities offered (Lokman Ab. Rahman, 1996). The mosque is a building that can nurture faith and draw people closer to God. Cyberjaya mosque is a building intended for religious activities, to bring man closer to God. Other forms of indirect relationship with God may also be established in other ways.

In addition to the mosque symbolizes the oneness of Allah, Islam has also identified other features found in the mosque. Symbols related to acts or attempts to communicate and introduce the important thing in Islam. Basically, the physical properties including mosques have minarets to call for prayers (azan), the 'mihrab, the prayer hall, the pulpit and the dome. In this context, Masjid Cyberjaya been further enhanced with the teachings of Islam through physical and functional way. Indirectly, it will show evidence of man's obedience to God as Creator and man as servant and vicegerent on earth.
From the point of spiritual development, Masjid Cyberjaya has also given emphasis to the welfare of the congregation, to provide facilities such as wheelchair access for service people disabled, escalators to the top floor, the dining room provided near the top, which can make it easier for women in the mosque when the feast. Charity congregation emphasized the upholding of human interaction, as is evident in 'contained in tasawwur'.

According to Mohd Faizal, events were held to develop the spirituality of the mosque. Some of the study. So far, the 'sermon' after the Maghrib prayers will be held every Friday night. Even on a Friday night, readings will be held. For pilgrims who require services on matters relating to the charity, the charity has opened a branch office in the mosque. In addition, to strengthen the youth with the fundamentals of religion, youth camp 'Imam' will be held during the school holidays. Participation is open to residents of the camp in Cyberjaya or to those from rural areas. In 'contained in tasawwur', referring to the development of not only physical development, but it also includes spiritual development where it emphasizes human development internally and externally. It can be seen that in the mosque, it not only meets the needs of worship but includes activities organized to enhance the understanding and obedience to God.
From a design standpoint, this mosque is a concept that is modern, but it is also combined with aesthetic values , Aesthetic values in Cyberjaya mosque including the beauty of traditional elements, elements of manmade and natural elements. The beauty of this mosque is highlighted with a traditional wood carving calligraphy verses of the Qur'an (Figure 5). Also for aesthetic effect, a series of well-designed iron was used on the glass panel and the wall panels around the dome. Similarly, the trees were planted in the area in and outside the mosque is intended to give the impression of living space and the effect of the aroma of perfume. Cape flowering plants are grown for example in the living room in the mosque while Kesidang tree, planted in Cambodia and Cempaka external environment Mosque (Figure 6).
In contrast, in 'contained in tasawwur', the environment related to the human relationship with the Creator. Therefore, it is important to develop harmonious and aesthetic nature, and does not undermine the development of rampant; there is a need to comply with and maintain the function of servitude and became the Caliph of Allah SWT. The built environment need to be addressed with a sense of responsibility, honesty, morality and ethics to fully uphold human relations with other beings (Muhammad SyukriSalleh, 2003).

However, there are two weaknesses identified in Cyberjaya Mosque. First, it is in terms of the facilities provided for the disabled. So far, no more lifts for the disabled to the top level, especially among women. This is because women's prayer space with the assembly is placed in the upper level. Secondly, it will be a function of the message of Islam to non-Muslims. So far, no other staff of the mosque has been dedicated to providing information about Islam to non-Muslim visitors. Cyberjaya mosque plays an important role for the task because this mosque is one of the tourist attractions, on the local market and overseas.
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