In Western countries, the title or the term used for a motorcycle is different youth groups based on the perception of the public, community and culture of a country or region. For example in America is famous for Night Rider, Ghost Rider, Max Cam and others (Clark, 2005; Scott, 2005; McLaren, 2004; Woods, 2004). Motorcyclists this form groups, clubs and associations based on their interests and passions. In this case, researchers have identified the existence of a motorcycle club teams divided into conventional and deviant (Barker, 2005; Barker & Human Rights, 2009). For example, in the US there is a club or a motorcycle gang known as the Big Four, namely, Hells Angels, Outlaws, Bandidos and Pagan-called club One percenters most radical and permanent nature (criminal) (Barker, 2005), even linked also with organized crime. Group motorcyclists who join the club or gang highlighting such features or attitudes do not conform to mainstream culture, loyalty to the group, celebrating freedom and are involved in crime (Van den Eynde, 2007).
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