This is a Khutbah which was Given by one Sheikh from Kano (Nigeria) What a touching KHUTUBAH please if time allows you read it. It's worth a Reminder;Forwarded as received."Every human is a slave. You're either a slave of your desires or a slave of Allāh. You either live life by your rules or the rule of Allāh.How can the heart travel to God if it's chained by its desires? O' son of Adam! Sell this World for the hereafter and you win both, sell the hereafter for this world & you lose both. #DeenOverDunyaIbn Qayyim al-JawziyahIslam is not a buffet where you pick and choose what suits you. Don't obey your desires. Obey Allaah."Imprisoned is he, whose heart is imprisoned from Allāh. Captured is he, who is captured by his desires." Fudayl Ibn Iyad was asked "What do you find the strangest of all things?" He said: The heart that knows Allāh, yet still disobeys Him
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